Sunday, February 3, 2019

Why It’s So Important To Nourish Our Relationships

Hello there my beautiful!!!
How are You?  How have you been?
I have missed you!  
I hope that you had a freaking awesome holiday filled with a shit ton of sugar, an extreme excess of glitter and a sprinkle of family drama!
HeHe!  J.K.
Seriously, I hope it was amazing and left you with lots of great memories!

Ours was great!  Izabella made out like a bandit (of course) and we played it pretty low key, lots of delish food, great company and good times!
I took a little break from writing for the holidays.
I missed y’all so much and couldn’t wait to get back here and share with you guys!
I’d LOVE to hear from You and hear how you’ve been since I’ve been gone!

My intention for December and January has been to live fully in the moment and to thoroughly enjoy these times with my daughter, husband, family and friends.
It was a success!  
Chad and I made Christmas Eve a ‘No Phone’ day!
It was Hard!
I mean it was totally great, don’t get me wrong, I got to bond with Chad and Bella to such a deeper degree then our norm since we weren’t interrupted mid sentence with a phone call or a text.  Or distracted whenever my IG notifications popped up and there’s a Live Video of someone’s that I Really want to watch. Even Bella enjoyed it! I was a little shocked by that because the child could sit there and watch YouTube tutorials all day long if you’d let her.
It was really nice.  I believe we are going to try and shoot for a day like this once a month.  

The reason it was hard was because, well, You know.  
Most of us are glued to our phones or devices like all the time.  
It becomes another limb.  Apart of our very being if we let the damn thing.  
So I wanted to share with You today a brief little lesson I learned over these past two months.  
And that is how vitally important it is to nurture those around us that we love.
Now I realize everyone’s love language is different.  
And that’s actually apart of the fun, figuring out how to uniquely express love to a special someone!
There’s a book called The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and it describes in detail the 5 different languages of Love and how you can recognize which one you are and how to figure out which one, or multiple ones your partner or other loved ones are.  
Once you recognize how You desire to be shown love you can teach others how to express their love to you and vice versa.  
It’s great!  
It’s completly transcended the way that Chad and I communicate with one another!

If you haven’t read the book, the 5 Love Languages are;
Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time and Physical Touch.
Mine is Physical Touch and Acts of Service.  I’m about as Lovie Dovie as they come! I want to hug you, kiss you, call you baby and give you my all, and I want love to be shown to me the same way, that’s how I roll.  
Now my hubs is Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch.  
I tell you all of this because I have found that by knowing this incredible knowledge has completly changed how I can nourish my loved ones and my relationships.  
Not only can I help nourish Chad by knowing the things that fuel him and help him to feel my Love by the way he prefers to receive it, I can also do the same thing with my daughter, my friends and other family members.  
Once you get to know someone well enough and are around them enough you can usually get a sense of how they prefer to receive love.
For instance my best friend Loves Receiving Gifts.  
If you’d show up on her door step empty handed on her birthday she would undoubtedly crushed.  
Not from a materialistic stand point but from a place inside her that feels completly, truly, and wholly loved by receiving a heartfelt and thoughtful gift.

So I hope that this little lesson that I received over the holiday season is in any way helpful to you!  I’m here to share my experiences in a way that I hope can add love, light, and value to your busy life my sweet!  So please leave me a comment and let me know how you can relate to this post or what you took away from it! I LOVE receiving any type of feedback from you guys, Truly!
Also if you know anyone who could receive value from the Love Your Light Blog please share it with them via email, FB or Instagram, that would Legit mean the world to me!  My goal is to grow our community and get as many peeps apart of the Love Your Light Tribe as possible!!!

You Rock beautiful!
Have a great day!

Why It’s So Important To Nourish Our Relationships

Hello there my beautiful!!! How are You?  How have you been? I have missed you!   I hope that you had a freaking awesome holiday fill...