Monday, June 11, 2018

Forgive yourself

Happy Monday beautiful friends! This week I wanted to strike up a brief convo about forgiving yourself. We have all done things throughout our lives that we wish we could have done differently.  I personally struggled with this for years, and it kept me absolutely crippled. I had this rock solid feeling that if I ‘let myself off the hook’ for all the messed up things I felt I had done over my ‘Rebelious’  years then that would be me not re-paying my karmic debt. So in other words I figured I needed to hold onto all of that stuff, all of that guilt and shame I carried around with me simply because I felt that I was obligated to. Once I finally got to a point where enough is enough, I have got to move on and forgive myself, I learned how to release it. Learned how to forgive. I want to share a few strategies here with you today that I have found to be immensely effective on my journey to forgiveness.   There are many various amazing books out there that can cover this topic on a much deeper level then I’ll be going in so I will reference those books in the comments below if you’d like further resources on the subject. 
#1 Meditation.  Hands down. This tool is the strongest and most effective to practice for your growth as a human in general, but especially while forgiving oneself and others.
#2 Journaling. Yep, straight up journal like you used to do back in your adolescent years when nobody could look in your ‘secret diary’ let it out baby cakes, use that pen and paper as a soul healing mechanism. You might be surprised with what you come up with. 
#3 Talk about it. Open up. Use your voice and let it out. Talk to a trusted friend about this stuff, it might feel weird at first if your not used to opening up about things you’ve been through in your past, especially the things you carry around with you that your still not willing to forgive yourself for. Always remember you are not the only one with a past gorgeous, even the shiniest human has skeletons. 
#4 My favorite- The burning ceremony. This one I freaking love! I’ve done this particular ceremony many times and for many different reasons, I just happen to find the most release personally when I do this beautiful spiritual practice. OK so what you do is you get out your handy dandy journal, A.K.A diary, hehe, and you let lose, write down all of it. I want you to let those damn skeletons out of your closet, air them out because we’re going to burn them. Write down everything you are currently not forgiving yourself for, it may be some things that happened years ago or some things you are doing in your life currently. Just write them down. Once you’ve got them all down on paper go to a safe place outside, (no doing this inside) make sure you aren’t around anything that could possibly start an uncontrolled fire, I personally used my fire pit and I would advise using something like a burn barrel or fire pit to be safe. You will throw your paper into your fire pit then throw in a lit match, close your eyes and say the words “I release the ties that bind me to these actions, I forgive,  I accept me, I love myself for all that I was, all that I am, and all that I will become.” Feel the words wash over you as the paper burns to a crisp. It’s done. Take a deep breath, make sure your flame is safely burned out, and your done. 


  1. Remember babes, holding onto the feelings of guilt for past transgressions gets us no where aside from being crippled and stuck, unable to go any further on our beautiful journey of life.
    Here’s a few books I found a lot of support and guidance through this topic.
    The Power of Now-Eckhart Tolle
    Total Forgiveness- R.T. Kendall
    Big Love-Scott Stabile
    The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn-Florence Scovel Shinn

  2. Oh boy what a topic ... forgiveness! “But I don’t deserve better”... it’s like a war with ourselves isn’t it? Love ya and love your blog, Britt! Thank you for sharing.

  3. So true! It is a constant battle within. But how beautiful is it that we have the freedom to make the choice each and every day to come back to love? Choosing to give ourselves love and grace for all that we’ve been through. I know it’s a daily ritual I have to keep up with for my emotional well being, for sure! I appreciate you so much Edith, you are such a beautiful human! I am delighted that you are enjoying the blog! MUAH!!!

  4. This was absolutely well written, but right on point, Brit ��������♥️�� I’ve held on to a lot of my guilt over the years until I realized that God already paid the ultimate price for us all and all He wants is to do is ask for forgiveness and this is where we can start the healing process. When we bring our burdens to Christ, we don’t have to hold on to what we’ve done in our past! Great post! ������♥️ Nikki


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