Monday, June 18, 2018

Stay Present

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The future depends on what you do today.” 
How true is that? As I read it I thought about how simple that concept is, yet how often we tend to forget it. So many times we go about our days on airplane mode. Work, school, the kids soccer practice, dinner, bath, TV, bed. Our days go by in a blur and by the end of it we are left feeling empty and burnt out. There is an infinite amount of beauty, blessings and miracles around us at any given time and we don’t make the time to stop and appreciate it. We feel we’re to busy. Our phones pretty much hold the damn key to the universe, they do everything for us, why wouldn’t we be constantly distracted and detached from the present moment whilst holding our iPhones? 
 I don’t want to live a life where I don’t value the little things and since you are reading this, I know you don’t either. 
Listen beautiful friend I lived for many years of my life numb, in a fog, firmly detached and unplugged from the world around me and it was scary at first to feel the vulnerability of being open and fully present. For me I got so used to being numbly on autopilot in a drug induced haze going through my days.  I had zero capacity to be fully present with anyone.  I had to fight tooth and nail to climb out of my fog and re-learn what it’s even like to be present and fully engaged in my life. 

A lot of you don’t have to go through something so traumatic and life changing in order to wake you up to the miracle that is your life. We all have different journey’s we’re on and various lessons we must learn in this lifetime. (I just happen to be the one that has to learn the hard way, and that’s ok.)

My point I wanted to hit home with you this week is that you have a life you are living right now that you may (or may not) be only fully engaging with at 50%.  When you step into the present moment and become fully aware of the world around you miracles start to happen. You notice the beauty around you that has always been there, you simply hadn’t noticed. Your children are happier. Your friendships are deeper. Your love is stronger. You become a damn rockstar to those around you because you are there. You are not on your phone zoning out while someone is speaking to you. You are not day dreaming during a presentation. You are open, fully engaged, receiving everything the universe has to offer and wants to give to you right now!

Let this be the reminder you needed to hear right here right now gorgeous!  Wake up to all the beauty and priceless miracles you have all around you darling. Lord knows its not all rainbows and sunshine but we all have so much in our lives to show gratitude for.  The more we awaken to the beauty and the miracles the more we will have in our daily lives. 
Remember you are made of love and light and you deserve to fully be present, awake and aware of all of the beauty and the love that surrounds you my sweet. 
I hope you have a very loving and lighter filled Monday 


  1. I believe that life is often MORE beautiful after a storm. In nature, the green lushness springs back to life after the rain. Yes, there may be some fallen branches, some flooding, or lightning-struck dead trees, but the world flourishes, heals, and resumes.

    In our lives, the vitality of a person springs back to full-energy and beauty after harsh trials or tribulations. Yes, we may be sad and/or upset, we may need healing, we may feel like we're dying. But the overall outlook on living is indeed brighter and more hopeful. And yes, life will go on.

    1. I couldn’t agree more! While we are knee deep in our darkest of times, it is often really damn hard to be able look at it as a scenario that will aid in our growth and evolution.
      As Aristotle says, “It is our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”


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