Monday, August 27, 2018

Getting Through Days Filled With Overwhelm

Hey there gorgeous happy Monday!  I’m so grateful to have you here with me, your awesome and also can I say that I am very grateful that you spend valuable time out of your day to read this blog every week.  It means so very much to me, this truly is a labor of love for me.  I enjoy the hell out of writing and especially writing about real life stuff we can all relate too.  My goal some day in the future is to grow this blog into a community, a support group almost and in order to do that I am working on growing my reader base, then I will change my platform that I’m using now from blogger to a platform that I can expand and grow into more sufficiently.  So if you know anyone that may benefit or enjoy Love Your Light blog please send them a link to check it out.  Lets grow, expand and be the best we can be together.

Yesterday was one of those days for me where just about everything that was coming up throughout the course of the day was overwhelming the shit out of me.  It made no sense.  Chad, Bella and I had a good day, it was a Sunday that we enjoyed for the most part, yet for some reason instead of staying fully engaged and present in the moment my mind was running rampant.  It felt like my brain was on crack running a marathon thinking at lightning speed about all that was to come and of course all the “what ifs” that the future holds.  So there was that and since I feel like I “know better” that almost made it worse I think.  Because then I was giving myself a mental ‘talking to’ that sort of went like this, “Come on Brittany, seriously you know better then to waste this precious time you could be fully engaged with your family yet here you are worrying about some shit that may not even happen.  By worrying or getting overwhelmed your robbing yourself of this present moment and your not giving Chad and Bella your undivided attention that they deserve.”  That didn’t help.

It didn’t help because I knew all of that, yes, but giving myself a mental guilt trip was not the answer. If anything it added to my feelings of overwhelm because now I felt like a jerk mom and wife.  Not cool.  So I am happy to say that I eventually got my wits about me by the second half of the day yesterday by going somewhere quiet and getting a nice meditation in and all I could think about was how I’ve got to write a post about this.  There are days when I can deal and manage feelings of overwhelm quite well and I attribute that to certain steps I’ve learned to take.  Although yesterday most of those steps went out the window (I want to blame it on the full moon we had yesterday) though I will own my own actions like an adult, (dammit) and share with you how I deal with overwhelm on my good days.

I’ve learned to ask for help.  (Now remember I said these are my good days.). Yes, I have learned to ask for help and not feel guilty about it.  I’ve embraced that asking for help is not a sign of weakness of that I am not competent of capable, we simply all can use an extra hand every now and again to get things done more efficiently while keeping our sanity.
I’ve learned to make a tasks list.  Prioritize from most significant and important and start at most important and work down the list focusing only on the one task I am on at a time.  I try not to multi task all the time, I try to literally focus on one thing at a time so as to not get feelings of overwhelm and then half ass my projects.
I’ve learned to stop and breathe.  If I am starting to feel a bit manic because I’ve had a day where I’m so busy I’ve been going like a crazy person I must stop and take a breather.  Maybe go do a meditation, maybe just go sit down, maybe take a short walk, the goal is to slow down long enough to remember that my health and well being is of the utmost importance before anything else, especially these tasks.
Lastly I’ve learned that the feeling of overwhelm is a feeling that a lot of times I have created for myself.  I’ve added too much to my agenda that day.  I haven’t asked for any help.  I haven’t taken anytime to pause and take a breath.  I’m not declaring that all reason for overwhelm is self created because that is definitely not always the case.  For me though, a lot of times it is.  So I own it.  I learn from it.  I decide not to try to cram that much in a day again and I don’t.  I don’t want to live in a state of constant overwhelm again.  I’ve been down that scary insane road before and I sure as hell don’t want to go back again.
So today my sweet I thought I would share this with you because I know a lot of us are living with a whole lot of overwhelm on the daily.  We can find so much more peace and happiness if we learn how to manage it best for our own unique individuality.  I hope there is some info, some sort of tidbit in this post that speaks to you and if it does please comment and tell me what it was you got out of this topic today.  I’d love to hear from you!

Remember in your core that you are made of love and light!  The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!  Have a great day friends! MUAH!!!

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