Monday, October 1, 2018

Learn To Surrender

~What is it to surrender?
~Why would we want to surrender and whom do we surrender to?
~What are the benefits of surrendering in any given situation and is surrendering giving up or becoming passive and detached?

These questions right here are the exact thoughts that were popping up in my head when I was first faced with the idea of ‘active surrender.’  As I’ve mentioned here before I am a recovering control freak, its something I still have to be aware of daily.  I had a really hard time learning how to surrender in short because I didn’t even realize or acknowledge the degree of control freak ness I had established in my life.  Hell, I thought I was quite laid back and chill.  I wouldn’t have acknowledged for a second that I had any type of real issue with control.  That right there is the immense power of the mind.  We have the power to create our reality.

The reason I started to become a little more open and receptive to this idea of surrender was because I often would get completely and utterely disappointed and upset when things or situations wouldn’t go the way I planned, imagined or expected.  I would allow these circumstances that I thought I had complete control over ruin my whole entire day or sometimes more if they didn’t go my way.
What the shit?
I’m not the almighty, I don’t have that type of power, so why the hell was I putting that kind of pressure on myself anyhow?

I’ve come to learn my beautiful friend, that surrender is very far from being passive.  In fact the reason some call it active surrender is because surrendering is very much so an act.  It is an act of will and it is an act of faith.  Faith in whatever and whom ever you believe to be a power greater them yourself.  You actively hand over your fears, your control and the entire outcome to the universe, God, Buddha, the pope, Jesus, the trees, Shakti, whomever and whatever is your almighty.

As we go through our own unique journeys of life one thing that we all want more of is love.  We humans can’t get enough of it. It’s what fuels us.  One element that goes hand and hand with love is peace.  When we are at a state of peace in our being we feel love and receive love much more easily.  So to feel peace more frequently in our lives we must learn to surrender that which we cannot control.  The biggest tool that I have found in my everlasting journey of active surrender is to acknowledge the fear that is present in the situation I am trying to control.  Once I simply look at and acknowledge where the fear is coming from I can start to let it go.  I don’t need to berate myself for feeling it and I don’t need to try and change it I must simply look at it with an honest and open heart and then, Surrender.  Choose faith in that moment instead of the fear.  Take the leap, do the thing.  Whatever it is I have the power to be stronger then my fear and So Do You!

“You must learn to let go.  Release the stress.  You were never in control anyway.” ~Steve Maraboli

Remember in your core that you are made of love and light!  The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!
Have a great day friends! MUAH!!!

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