Monday, June 25, 2018

Break the Judgement Cycle

Do you get relief when you cast a judgement on someone else? 
Does it make you feel good to know that someone else is worse off then you? 
Do you feel a sense of self righteous regal when you judge a person for how different they dress or act vs. how put together and normal you are? 
I can guess with a bit of certainty that since you are reading this right now your answer is the same as mine, HELL NO!
I feel crummy and yucky inside when I judge. I wish I never ever had a judegemental thought. 
I want to break the cycle and detox my judgement cycle and I hope you do to.
 You see we all judge. Each and every single one of us has judgements pop up from time to time. We’ve been hard wired since we were kids to judge.  Weather it came from religious beliefs systems, family beliefs, TV, the crowd you hung out with, the beliefs you learned along the way might still be holding you back from creating a better life. 
You must be brave and look deep within, be honest with yourself to see them, but they are there. 
I feel like I have always been super open and willing to do just about anything in life (maybe sometimes to open) and because of that I assumed that I was so not a judge mental person. Hell, to each his own, who am I to judge? Is what I always thought. 
Then I read this incredible book from Gabrielle Bernstein called Judgement Detox. 
Damn.  Unbeknown to me I guess I do judge after all. I picked up this book not because I felt I needed any judgements to be detoxed, I’ve just read other books by her and like her writing style, so this judgement thing was a character trait of mine I totally stumbled upon.
A lot of our judgements start from within. We are so hard on ourselves to be these perfect little humans and as you know it just doesn’t happen. So what do we do? We first judge ourselves and then since that doesn’t feel very good we move onto the next best thing, we pick out what we believe to be character flaws in other people to judge in order for our ego to feel better about itself. 
It truly is a vicious cycle my friends. 
So in order to kick this ugly ass judgement cycle to the curb for good, the gorgeous Ms 
Bernstein suggests that we must first become aware of the judgements. Notice if you judge someone at the grocery store for what they’re wearing, or if you judge someone’s FB post there are small judgements happening all day long, become aware of them. As you are becoming aware of them do not judge yourself and get mad that you are thinking these thoughts, simply notice them.
Once you get used to observing them you want to notice how they make you feel, do you feel gross and yucky or do you feel justified? Observe why you may have felt justified. 
This is the point where you take it a step further and you journal, purge it all out, why do you feel justified? Where did this justification come from? Is this something I learned to judge from my childhood? Is this judgment a mirror reflection of something I don’t want to face inside myself?
Get deep babe and get it all out on the paper, you’ll start to recognize your pattern. 
Knowing your pattern is literally half the battle. From there you can banish the cycle away in various different ways, but for me its a surrender prayer. 
“Dear spirit, I need help with my judgement toward myself. I’m ready to release this now. I welcome in the presence of love to take me back to my truth and grace. I’m ready to surrender this judgment and see through the eyes of love.”
I hope this post resonates with you today beautiful. Once you start to recognize these judgment patterns and offer them up I promise your life will be so much more light. So much happier, more full of love, peace and oneness. We’re all going through our own journeys, we all flow through life different and that is the most beautiful thing!
If you want more insight on this topic pick up Gabrielle Bernstein’s book, Judgement Detox, Yao won’t regret it! 
I hope you have a beautiful light and love filled day! MUAH!!!

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