Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Know Your Worth

Hello my beautiful friends! I have been experiencing some major shifts in the way I think, feel, love, and experience things in my life over the course of this past year. This shift has been such a beautiful and profound journey, but admittedly scary as hell too because a lot of things I am awakening to are very foreign to me. It’s a complete paradigm shift on the way that I see myself, treat myself and others around me. I credit this new perspective for giving me the unshakable courage to start writing my book and to start this blog as well. (Which I thoroughly enjoy doing!)
My goal with this blog and with my book is to be the vessel that sparks something inside of you to awaken and tap you into your greatness! 
One major element that I am learning about as I’m going along this wild ride of my journey is putting value in what I’m worth. 
Seems simple, ‘we’re all created equal, no one is worth more then anyone else.’Hell, I used to say these types of things out loud for years but I never really felt that way. I always felt inferior in one way or another. You know what? I didn’t even realize how low my self worth had gotten because I had literally gotten so good at presenting myself as having it all together and being just fine that I believed it. Kinda like that fake it til’ you make it concept. Oh ya I had that shit down! 
I was so used to feeling like I wasn’t worth what other people were, it became my normal. 
For instance when I would hear stories from people about their lavish trips and getaways, I would close down from feeling the excitement of one day experiencing that because I didn’t feel as if I would ever be worthy of such a vacation. Or when it came to me asking for help with something I would almost shrink into myself before asking because I truly didn’t want to burden people and their time was more valuable then mine anyway I thought. I would sacrifice my time, energy, emotions, and health time and time again because I didn’t believe deep down in my core that I was worth more then that. 
Where does this come from? For some people this comes from years of being emotionally or physically abused in a relationship and it sticks, weather you’re still in the relationship or not. For others it comes from events that occurred in their childhood. For me it came from living a secret second life for years and learning how to function normally like a pro and putting up a front that everything is fine, “Nothing to see here.” The problem was, everything was not fine at all and since I was living a life that I was no where near proud of it severely damaged my sense of self worth, and I’ve been repairing ever since. 
No matter what you have been through, or are still going through, you are a soul that was called to this earth for a reason. You have these special gifts and talents that no other human on this whole wide planet has. Only you. My dear, even if you still don’t know what they are yet, don’t give up. We need you to shine your brilliant light onto the rest of us. By doing so you give others around you permission to do the same thing. You will be the light, be the hope to make big changes around you. Think of someone in your life who has inspired you in a positive way, you can be that person for someone else.
Please let those words wash over you and soak into your skin beautiful. I can tell you that stepping into and owning your true worth has been a process, I’m still not there yet. I have to remind myself constantly that I am worth someone else’s time, or that I’m worth that new shirt, or even that I’m worth a compliment. It’s getting a little easier though with time. Give yourself the time and grace to get there, don’t give up. 
I promise you are 150% worth the effort babe! As you go along your journey of finding yourself and your worth again you will be inadvertently showing others your worth. They will start to treat you better because you will no longer tolerate the bull shit that kept you shrinking down and afraid. 
Nope. Done. Finito. 
So go Rise into your power and greatness now gorgeous! You are a force to be reckoned with don’t you forget that shit! 
I cannot wait to hear about your process of finding your worth again, please share with me your findings along the way either by FB messenger, IG direct message or leave a comment down below. 
Remember in your core that you are made of love and light!  
The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!
Have a great day friends! MUAH!!!

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