Monday, July 23, 2018

Learning To Recognize What Motivates You

Hello there beautiful one! I am so grateful that you are here and going on this journey with me today!
You totally rock BTW!
So I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed and busy this past week and my body is telling me it is definitely time for a break soon. I am at the point where I’ve let my chores and the ever daunting “to do” list get bigger and bigger until I let myself get to a state of overwhelm. You know that feeling right?  That feeling of all work, no play.  I’ve put my chores and domestic tasks above my play time and wellness.  It’s time for a recharge. We are leaving for vacation to visit with family and do some camping in the breathtakingly beautiful blue ridge mountains this weekend and I am freaking counting down the hours!!!
This week has had me reflecting on the idea of what truly motivates us as we move through our day.  Am I making my choices based on my truth, my passions and my well being?  Or am I making my choices based on feelings of guilt, panic and fear?  I can say for me it changes constantly.  I’d love to tell you that all my decisions and choices in life are made out of pure love, light and passion and that I live on a cloud of bliss!  That shit is so so very far from the truth, in fact I’m just trying to hold it all together most of the time.  
I have found that I am a so much more happy, generous and grateful when I am making my daily choices and decisions from a space of love though.  My day goes by more smooth and light.  What that looks like in my life is saying no to something I don’t want to do or that doesn’t align with my beliefs even if it might hurt someone’s feelings.  Or even surprising a loved one with coffee and a hug randomly throughout the day just because I want them to know I love and appreciate them.
Making these day to day choices out of love and respect for yourself is how we are able to show way more love out into the world and onto those around us.  
It used to be my default setting to be a people pleaser as I’ve mentioned before and nine times out of ten I would make decisions based on how it would effect others, how it would be received and how it would make me “look.”  That’s lame and I don’t want to live like that anymore.  All that would be left of me is this bitter, unhappy and misunderstood version of myself.  
Once we open our hearts to the knowing that it is in no way ‘selfish’ to make our choices from a place of love for ourselves, in fact it is the opposite, we will find that life is so much smoother, happier and better all around! 
If you’re used to showing up and taking actions from feelings of guilt and fear remember to be gentle with yourself it won’t change over night. Hell I still can ‘relapse’ with my decision making process sometimes. Like I said I most definitely don’t live on a cloud of bliss!  I think the key is to simply notice and be honest with ourselves when we do it though.  We can acknowledge that we weren’t being true to ourself in that moment.  We made that choice because we didn’t want to hurt that persons feelings and now were pissed for committing to something that doesn’t align with our truth.  Acknowledge it, learn from it, then move on.  No dwelling on it and making it any bigger then it is.
This is a continual daily practice and it can be completely foreign to those of you that are used to making choices out of obligation.  Show yourself some grace, just keep moving forward. 
I wanted to write this post today to remind us all that we are worthy of making these daily choices and decisions that make us feel happy and whole.
The more you keep practicing and working out this decision making muscle the easier it will get in time and the happier you truly will be sweetness!  I still have a long way to go no doubt, although I can say with confidence that I have seen tremendous growth in myself in this area of my life.  I couldn’t be more grateful to have finally gotten my ass in gear and started looking out for my well being more!
I hope you are doing the same you beautiful thing you!  You are so crazy worth it!!!
So remember in your core that you are made of love and light!  The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!  Have a great day friends!  MUAH!!! 

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