Monday, July 30, 2018

Nurturing our Relationships

Hello there gorgeous!  I hope your doing well this beautiful morning! I am currently in a hotel room in Canton OH visiting with my family. We have been hanging out, eating together, laughing together, singing, dancing and just being silly together. It has been so much fun! Seriously just to be around those you love and hold dear to your heart is enough to fill you back up energetically sometimes. Just to sit and hold space together, talk, listen and truly be heard from the ones you love fills your cup, rejuvenates you, and can heals you. 
This weeks’ post I wanted to take a second to touch upon this topic of relationships and how we could all probably nourish some of them in our life a bit more. I know I can without a doubt.
How easy is it to be somewhere else in our head when having a conversation with a friend or family member? 
How easy is it to people watch and not pay full attention to the person right next to you speaking? 
And the most obvious of all, how easy is it to have our heads in engrossed in our damn phones when our beloved is talking to us? 
This has become a normal occurrence for most of us and we see it and do it all the time. 
So this post today is very much so a reminder for me to step up my game and become fully present and engrossed in each moment I have with my family here. 
Give them my full undivided attention just like they’re worth and just like they deserve.
I believe the biggest gift we can give someone is our time, it’s priceless and we can never get it back. 
So although this was a quickie today I believe this message about nourishing the special relationships in our lives is so important and it’s something I know I want to really grow into more and work on.
So today beautiful one remember in your core that you are made of love and light! 
The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brilliance onto the rest of us! 
Have a great day sweet friends!

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Why It’s So Important To Nourish Our Relationships

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