Monday, September 24, 2018

What Do You Think About Yourself?

Good morning darling one, I pray that all is well in your world today!  Before we dive deep into today's topic I wanted to take a moment to let you know how freaking grateful I am that you have taken precious time out of your day to read this post and any of the other posts prior.  You could be doing any number of other important activities in your day and yet here you are, you’ve chosen to give me a few minutes of your time and I am couldn’t be more grateful!  Seriously I do not take this lightly it makes me feel so very honored to have this time with you here.  That is why the beginning of next year I’ll be upgrading my blog site to something a bit more sophisticated and more user friendly.  I know this site has a few bugs and since I claim to be no computer wiz in the slightest I have ran into a few kinks here and there that can be uliminated if we go ahead with a different company.  So when that time comes I will share all the details and we’ll switch on over together!

OK, so you know those times when someone new comes into your life, maybe you get a new co worker, or maybe your sister starts dating someone new and you ask one of your other siblings or seasoned co worker, “What do you think about the new person?”  Usually you judge by this persons vibe, their actions, the way they’re dressed, how they interact with people around them, even how they look.  It usually doesn’t take us too long to size someone new up.
The question I pose here today is, “What do you think about YOURSELF?”  Really take a moment here and think about it.  You can write it down if you’d like.  For me the way I think of myself has come a hell of a long way that’s for sure, I used to think Very Poorly about myself.  I still fight those feelings on a daily basis and I probably always will that is why exercises like this is so important to do because if we don’t draw attention to the way our mind is working and how it is potentially self sabotaging us, we can never make any positive changes to correct it.
So, for instance I think that I am hard working, determined, controlling at times, loving, kind, perfectionist, good listener, manic at times, strong, stubborn and focused, (I’d like to add funny to the list, but the jury is still out.)

Next I want you to think about which of these qualities cause you pain.  Which ones harm you?  Which ones harm others?  Do any of these ‘traits’ seem to get in the way from growing more fully into your highest potential?  The ones that cause me and others pain is the controlling trait, manic and stubborn, also sometimes the funny one, HeHe!
Ok so because I acknowledge that I have the tendency to act controlling what I have practiced doing over the course of about a year now, is simply seeing and acknowledging when that trait pops up.  When I am trying to perfectly curate a chill family outing, or when I am throwing a hissy fit like a damned child because things aren’t going my way that is me trying to control something that I simply cannot control.  It is out of my hands and in order to have any chance of salvaging the day or finding peace I must let go.
When I begin to act manic is when I tend to cause harm to myself.  What will happen is I will start a project and I won’t stop until my body is about to fall over.  Usually I won’t eat, I keep working, keep going, I tell myself I can’t stop, can’t take any breaks until the project is completed and the job is done.  This trait I’ve gotten a pretty good hold on, not that it doesn’t happen at all anymore but I have gotten a lot better about recognizing when I’m slipping into that mindset and I’ll immediately stop and get a glass of water or make some tea and sit down for a snack.  That forces me to take a look at how important this project is and if it’s worth risking my health or not.
Lastly the stubborn trait is a work in progress, lol!  Hey, we’re only human after all!  With this trait my attention now goes to why am I feeling so stubborn at this moment?  Is this an issue of personal boundaries right now or is this just me simply being not willing to bend?  What are my motives?  Are they pure or are they selfish?  I have come to learn that bringing mindfulness to these tendencies are the absolute key to recognizing them and transcending them into more productive states of being and all around a more peaceful state of mind.

Once you start this practice of simply bringing more awareness of your traits that is when you learn how to manipulate them and bring forth more of what makes you good, the traits that bring you joy!  For instance if one of your primary traits is anger instead of ‘allowing’ a situation to anger you to the point where you spiral out of control and damn near black out you can get to a point where you witness the anger, you feel it, you acknowledge it, and then you start to ask yourself, “Is this situation really worth me flying off the handle and ruining my whole day?”  Probably not. If one of your traits is sarcasm that can be funny and great in lots of situations and yet in others can be cruel and rude.  Same thing you can simply be the witness, get to know and become more mindful of your timing and your motives behind the actions.

The coolest part about being the witness and getting to know our primary traits is that once we own them, learn them, witness them and possibly transcend them (if we want to enhance them or add more) we can then choose how to show up, how to use them.  Now I am admittedly not fully there yet.  I’m getting closer and closer everyday.  Some days I’m showing up exactly like I have visualized and all is well!  Other days I let the fact that I got up on the wrong side of the bed rule my world.  Boo.  The more we practice this daily the more we will have control over these traits and emotions and the more we will be in control of what primary trait we decide to run the day.  Days that we spend with our loved ones we might want love, generosity, compassion and good listener run the day.  Days when we’re working to meet a dead line we want our hard working, perfectionist, determined traits running the show.  Ya feel me? It’s simply amazing the power of our mindset, we have been given a super computer in our head, its time we use it to our highest good right!?

Thank you again for taking the time to be here with me today my sweet friend!
Remember in your core that you are made of love and light!  The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us! Have a wonderful day beautiful!  MUAH!!!

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