Monday, November 12, 2018

You Weren’t Meant To Be Perfect

“The Pursuit of Pefection often impedes improvement.”
-George Will

Perfection, that’s a very heavy and loaded word for some of us.
Do you find yourself striving for it even though it’s unattainable?
Do you ever give yourself a guilt trip if you feel that you ‘fell short’ of something?
Do you even self sabotage yourself because you fear failure or success?

Well I can unequivocally say that I do all of those things.  I have found that my default settings have trended as either, I’m striving to be perfect in everything I do, not leaving much room for error.  Or, I throw my hands up and say Fu** it all.  Screw it all because if I can’t do it ‘Right’ or ‘Perfect’ I might as well not do it at all.

This way of thinking, as I said seems to be a sort of default setting that my brain wants to fall back on because its familiar, and as we all know, familiar is comfortable.  But its not cool.  I fight this way of thinking every single day because this old stinky ass way of thinking was getting me absolutely no where fast.  This defaulted thinking has made me sick, it has made me view myself as worthless, it has also made me Very, Very unhapppy with my life at times because this way of thinking leaves no room for grace, gentleness and love with myself.

Striving for pefection may work fabulously well for some people as a way of motivation, incentive, or inspiration and that is freaking awesome!  That’s great for those individuals, but with my default settings being what they are and my addictive personality I strive now for forward movement, progress, and self actualization vs. perfection these days.

So I ask you my Beautiful and Divine Friend; have you been a bit hard on yourself lately?
Have you been unaware that you were pushing yourself towards something that was becoming unhealthy for you?
Do you kick yourself in the ass when you didn’t perform quite “perfectly?”
And are you placing unrealistic expectations on yourself and your life right now?

If you are darling, let it go.
Become the witness to these ways of thinking and please, have grace with yourself throughout this process.  It’s called a process for a reason.  It’s not meant to happen in a day.  It is a slow beautiful process of consciousness like a butterfly hatching from its chrysalis becoming reborn into its most beautiful and divine version of itself.
Go easy, be gentle with you, and love yourself in spite of all your precious imperfections.
After all this world only has one you, shine your light bright for us darling, we can’t wait to see!

Remember in your core that you are made of light and love!
Have a great day my friend, MUAH!!!

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