Monday, November 5, 2018

Why Am I Stressed Out?

Happy Monday Babe, have you ever woken up and immediately gotten hit by what feels like a damn freight train and that figurative asshole freight train is your ‘To Do’ list?
Well that was so me this morning and I felt like hitting the snooze button and saying screw the damn To Do list, I’m going back to bed!
I find it absolutely fascinating that some days I have the capacity to go, go, go like the energizer bunny and be quite happy running around at that speed, and yet other days, like this one, I hit a complete wall, and my To Do list seems to look like its a daunting mile long.

I have learned to approach these days a bit differently then how I used to.  Used to when I would have a day filled with overwhelm or stress I would push myself to get everything done, inwardly berate myself or try to ‘pretend’ I wasn’t stressed out and tired.
I thought like a lot of women think, ‘I must get everything done, I must do it without complaint and I must have a chipper attitude throughout the process.’
It was insanity because by me not taking a break or acknowledging the overwhelm I was actually making it worse by pretending it wasn’t there and maintaining the fast pace.
So the way that I approach days of stress now is, first and foremost, I acknowledge my stress.  I witness my overwhelm.  I feel it, I honor it, and I take some time in the morning, to tune into what my body needs.  Do I need to make time for a bath today?  Do I need to do Yoga instead of Cardio this morning?  Do I need to do an extra long meditation?  Also is there something I simply need to take off of my To Do List?  More then likely none of the things on our To Do is so important and earth shattering that can’t wait until tomorrow, later in the week or next week.
I’m all about being productive and getting the job done, but listen babe, not to the detriment of my health.  Not anymore.  And the same goes for you.

If you find yourself having a day like I’m having today please just remember to go easy on yourself.
Feel the stress, feel the overwhelm, accept that its there and then tune in.  What do you need?
Do you need to ask for help?  Do you need to re-arrange your schedule?
It is not a weakness to give up some of the things on your To Do list, its just not.  In fact its empowering to Know Yourself enough to recognize how much or how little you can do in a day.  Each day is different and our energies change throughout the month, so no two days are the same.  Honor yourself Babe, take care of You first and everything else will fall into place.

David Allen put it simply; “You can do anything, but not everything.”

Remember in your core that you are made of love and light!  The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!  Have a great day friends!  MUAH!!!

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