Monday, December 17, 2018

Creating You Time

“You will never find time for anything.  If you want time you must make it.”
~Charles Buxton

Is there something you’ve been wanting to try but feel foolish taking that time away from your kids, husband, work or household duties?
Is there times when you feel so damned burnt out, overwhelmed and stressed with the massive amount of responsibilities you have on a daily basis therefore when someone says you must ‘make’ time for yourself you kinda want to punch said person because, “How the hell will that ever work Sherlock?”

OK, I totally get it.
You are busy.  Most of us live our lives filled to the brim with work, kids activities, duties and responsibilities that half the time we don’t even remember Why we’re doing them anymore anyhow.
All the while keeping up the facade that everything in our life is just peachy and we’re totally cool with being this busy and ‘productive.’
This was Sooo Me.
All I knew is busy.  All I wanted to Be was Productive.  This is something I literally have to combat everyday.  It became my default setting to stay busy, when I’m busy I’m distracted.  When I’m distracted everything is fine, I’m almost numb, almost lost inside my hectic mind of busy, therefore I cannot feel things that have the power to hurt me.  Things I wasn’t ready to look at yet.

When I decided to create more time and more space for my writing I decided to take one extra day off of work and dedicate that day simply to writing.  Nothing else, this would be my day I dedicate to me and my passion.  I take Izabella to school, I come home workout, meditate, shower and then I am off to Starbucks.  I order my coffee, find myself a cozy little corner, put in my headphones and I’m immersed in my Happy Place!  It has literally become one of my favorite days of the week, its glorious, its transformative, and its healing.
Not only have I made time for something that I absolutely love despite all the many fears and doubts that came along with choosing to take an extra day off for myself but I’m also learning that its OK to choose You.  It’s OK to slow down and just be with yourself, just be OK with where you are right here in this moment.

So no matter what your situation may be there is space for you to create a little time for yourself.
And if your Jerk inner critic says things like, “That’s selfish of you,” or “That’s stupid for you to waste your time on, you could be doing way more productive things.”
Choose not to involve yourself in those thoughts.
I had them come up too, like a lot.  I decided to actually go for it this time depsite that nasty inner critic and all the various fears that came along with it.  And let me tell ya darlin, I am Sooo Damn glad that I did!

Remember in your core that you are made of love and light!
The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!
I hope you have a great day Beautiful!  MUAH!!!

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