Monday, August 6, 2018

How do you Make Yourself Proud?

There were many years of my life where I held myself in very low regard.  My thoughts inside about myself were very nasty, hella mean and as damaging as one could do to oneself.  The concept of doing anything at all to make myself proud was completely and helplessly foreign.  At my lowest point it was all about survival and getting through the day, so how I felt about myself and the idea of doing something I felt proud for was on the very furthest end of the spectrum from how I was living my daily life.  You see I had to get to the point where my life had fallen to the very lowest of lows in order to find the courage and the unrelenting desire to fight tooth and nail to dig my way out of the hole and start anew.
That low was almost losing Bella.  My baby is my angel, my saving grace, she is where my courage comes from and she gave me my iron clad conviction for a better life.  I’ll do whatever it takes to be the example for her for a better future, a brighter life and a present and loving mommy like I never could have given her before.
No one’s wake up call is the same, and certainly not everyone needs to go through events as traumatic and cray cray as mine but as an addict my rock bottom had to be of the harshest degree.  When I finally awoke to life and reality as it really was I was willing to do whatever it took to make the biggest changes and the most positive impact on my life, Bella’s life and Chad’s life.  We fought to create this life that we are so utterly in love with now.  I wake up and feel gratitude everyday for where we are on this beautiful journey of life.
One of the biggest tools I’ve found that I really wanted to share with you here today is that you’ve got to celebrate all the wins.  You have got to celebrate all the steps along the way and all of the growth you’ve made moving forward in your life.  I don’t care how little you might think it is, if you are moving forward and not backwards you are making progress!  You are moving in the right direction, and you my beautiful one have got to pause, take a beat and feel proud deep down, feel into that growth and know that you are doing a great job!
Loved ones and those around you can tell you until their blue in the face that your rocking it, but if you don’t feel that way deep down then you don’t take that in as truth.  When you don’t take these milestones seriously (no matter how big or small) and take a moment to congratulate yourself then it starts to feel like an uphill battle.  Like you’ll never get to that ‘finish line.’
So wherever you are on your journey today please take a moment to pat yourself on the back and celebrate all the little wins and victories you have conquered as of late.  If nothing comes to mind I’d love for you to make a goal.  Think of something you’ve been putting off, or something you’d love to try or you’d love to do.  It doesn’t have to be anything earth shattering of big, just a goal that you feel is tangible to hit by next Monday.  I would be freaking elated to hear by next Monday what that goal is and how you kicked ass and reached it by next Monday!  You can let me know by leaving a comment below.
I am absolutely loving sharing with you guys here on this blog and I hope to create a community of supporting and like minded individuals, so hearing your comments and feedback really mean a lot to me.  Thank you so much for showing up and being here with me this week.
So remember in your core that you are made of love and light!  The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!  Have a great day friends! MUAH!!!

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