Monday, October 15, 2018

3 Reasons Why You Should Be Setting An Intention Everyday

Happy Monday Beautiful!  I hope all is well in your world and that you’ve been enjoying plenty of Pumpkin Spice anything and all the wonderful, rich flavors that Fall time has to offer!  Personally I can pretty much take, or leave the whole pumpkin spice craze.  I know, I might lose friends with that statement, giving that so many folks are down right Pumpkin Spice Junkies, but I just don’t see the big deal.  Sure, its good.  I mean I won’t turn it down, but I surely wasn’t running out buying up all the pumpkin spice everything in September when it first started coming out for the season.  And its not my first choice of coffee, I ain’t hatin though, Just Sayin.  K, we’re going to get off that little tangent and move onto a topic that is a bit more meaningful to you and to me then Fall’s favorite flavor.

That is the sincere importance of setting an intention.
According to Wikipedia, an intention is, “A mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future.  Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.”  Before I started living with more intention and before I actually started bringing intention into my daily life I would get disappointed, A lot, at all of the little life situations, scenerios and actions that would happen out of my control.  Not just that, a lot of time I felt like I was walking through life Willy Nilly.  Kinda aimlessly.  Almost like I was letting life happen around me, like I had no control over any part of my life and I was supposed to just go along with everything going on around me and be cool with wherever life took me.  Gosh even just writing this and feeling back into those emotions of helplessness I sure as hell don’t want to go around feeling like I’m wandering around again on auto pilot!  I am so happy to have found a better way!  A way to live the life that I love, in a way that feels passionate, meaningful and purpose driven!  I seriously can’t wait to share it with you sweetness!  Today we’re going to go over 3 simple reasons why You should live an intentional life day by day.  And the why will turn out to be the how in a lot of ways as you’ll see, so lets get to it!

#1. Provides Clarity.
When you walk into a situation or a day with a set goal in mind it makes it easier to keep that very goal in the forefront for your mind and that’s a beautiful thing because, whatever you intentionally focus on in your life will grow!  Focus=Energy=Results.
#2. Helps to Ground You.
Again when you approach a situation or day with no set intention everything could still turn out just fine, but that’s not the case the majority of the time because us humans like to put expectations on people and outcomes.  And even though you didn’t ‘intentionally’ set any type of intention on that day or situation a lot of times you already have an inner expectation of how its going to go and when
it doesn’t go that way you will be left disappointed and maybe even hurt.
 VS. when you take the short amount of quiet time in the morning to set an intention for the day you are setting yourself up for a more relaxed and focused day because you will come to realize the only thing that you can control is how You show up.  We cannot control the actions of others or the outcomes to situations, but we can certainly control how we choose to look at them and deal with them, and that, my beautiful friend is where the magic starts to come into play with this whole ideal of living with intention.
#3. Alleviates Anxiety.
This is so great, this part of setting an intention really surprised me for some reason because I figured if I was just ‘going with the flow’ I’d have less stress and anxiety but for me that turned out to be furthest from the truth.  When I just went with the flow like I was saying before I felt like I was just going through life on auto pilot.  Beacause in essence I wasn’t designing the life of my dreams, I wasn’t getting any closer to my goals.  I wasn’t bringing any type of Real Intention into my life.  So now by taking time each morning for anywhere between 5-20 minutes to feel into what I want out of the day, or what I want to bring to the day, or what kind of goal I am working towards that day it keeps these emotions and goals in the forefront of my mind and that is the intention that I bring with me through the day.  And that alleviates anxiety for me in a really big way because I am in control of how I Show Up.  What I’m bringing to the day VS. letting the day ‘Have its Way’ with me so to speak.
Before I go I want to share with you a situation where I was so insanely grateful to have set up an intention before a trip that Chad and I went on.  We were going to the mountains for a few days just the two of us, we hadn’t been able to do a weekend away just us in a while and I was so excited!  And I had come to the realization that I put the most expectations on him, me, and my daughter.  It can really ruin a day when your busy trying to control someone else, Not Cool.  It sucks but that is my reality.  So by knowing that  I set the  intention before we even left (I wrote it all out on a piece of paper) that I wanted to walk into this weekend with an open heart, love and understanding, non judgement and zero expectations.  None on him, none on me.  You want to know what?  It was literallly one of the Best weekends of my entire life Y’all!  For Real!  The power of setting intentions is No Joke and if your aren’t doing it yet I Urge you to go ahead and Start, Today, Right Now!

It really is as easy as sitting quietly in the morning and focusing in on what you want your intention to be that day.  You can visualize, you can write it down, or you can say it out loud.  Whatever works for you and whatever resonates with you.  For now don’t over think it, just do it and I promise you’ll be so grateful you did!

Remember in your core that you are made of love and light!  The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!  Have a great day friends! MUAH!!!

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