Monday, October 22, 2018

Why Making Time For Fun Is Crucial To Your Health and 30 Day Play Challenge Review

Happy Almost Halloween cutie!  I hope you are doing well on this gorgeous fall Monday!  I am in Awe that its almost Halloween and that means that the holidays are seriously right around the corner.  I’ve had my daughter Bella’s Christmas wish list for like 5 months now (EEK) and haven’t made much of a dent in it yet... I seem to wait until the last possible minute almost every year to start the mad dash to the department stores, hell maybe I’m one of those people that do better under the pressure.  It’ll be here before I know it and as long as there is a hover board and these super cute boots she wants under the tree this year we’re golden.

OK, moving on to the real reason we’re here y’all.  If you embarked on the 30 day Play Challenge that I invited you to do with me our 30 days have come to an end and I have so many great and weird things to say about my experience and I’d love to hear about yours!  If you didn’t participate in the Challenge or if you are new to this blog I wrote a post one month ago called- ‘Create Time For Play Every Da** Day’, you can go back and read that post and see the rational behind the challenge in the first place, but the idea is to carve out at least 10 minutes of your day for play in some way shape or form for 30 days straight.  That could mean any number of things like dancing, singing, card games, board game, video games, tickling, being silly with your kiddos, anything that brings a smile to your face and makes you feel goofy, silly, kiddish or corny, that’s what you do for 10 mins each day for 30 days straight.

Creating that time for play every single day was not easy for me.  Here I was writing the post in a fabulous mood on that day thinking, this will be Wonderful!  I know that making fun and play a priority in our lives has insanely incredible health benefits (which we’ll get into in a moment) so Why Not introduce a Play Challenge?  Because I’m an adult that’s why, and I noticed that this challenge got a little bit confronting for me.  I did it though.  I made the time to do it every day for the whole 30 days. And what I discovered is that often times I resist play if I know I ‘should’ be doing something more productive or I ‘could’ do something I deem more meaningful in that moment.  By the end I realized that my way of thinking in that regard was utter bull shit.  I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I actually followed through the whole 30 days because it showed me a lot about myself.  When it came to playing with Bella or Chad it was way easier, felt more natural.  When it came to creating my own kind of fun I struggled, some days were easier then others, I’d get in the car turn on some tunes, dance like a jack ass and feel on top of the world.  Other days I’d dance around whilst getting ready in the AM and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and feel foolish.  Point is, I did it and I am better for it.  I learned the sincere significance of loosening up and creating an atmosphere of playful, joyful fun.  It makes life so much more enjoyable and the health benefits are staggering.

This article outlines all the major health benefits that having fun has on our bodies.
Give it a read and then imagine Not creating a little time in your day or your week, it makes it hard not too.  Adding more play reduces our overall stress levels by reducing cortisol levels and those of us that live here in the U.S. have insane amounts of Cortisol running through our bodies on a daily basis anyhow and that lowers our immune system and can cause us to gain unnecessary weight over time.  Having fun boosts our concentration and memory, not to mention it gives us more energy.  It also increases our Seratonin levels which regulates our sleep and other major bodily functions.

I encourage you to go on a hunt to find your inner child!  Where is she/he?  Has she been stuffed down for so long that you don’t remember what she likes to do anymore?  Does she feel foolish or stupid when she gets too excited and comes out to play?  Screw that-let her play babe!  Be goofy, be silly, go for it and do whatever the hell it is that just gets you giddy with excitement!  Do that fun thing that when your doing it an hour goes by in the blink of an eye!  And seriously if you don’t know what that thing is don’t you dare give up!  Your happiness is worth a little bit of digging, a little bit of soul searching, hell its worth everything!  It all starts with the doing though, you must try, you must start!  Join me and lets have more fun, lets be more playful and lets make more room for the silly stuff, the light hearted ness and the carefree moments.  We all have plenty of the seriousness that comes with adulting, so lets make sure to bring forth a sense of childlike wonder into our lives as often as possible.  Are you with me?

Remember in your core that you are made of light!  The world is ready and waiting for you to shine your brightness onto the rest of us!  Have a great day friends!  MUAH!!!

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